Kamis, 06 Desember 2018



Gotpay (GPAY) is the first distributed ecosystem to discover, create, run and analyze advertising campaigns, from celebrities to social media, based on blockchain technology. Gotpay brings together marketing activities between brands and handicrafts markets, aimed at reducing costs for all parties involved.

With the increase in global online time, advertising campaigns continue to shift from traditional marketing to digital marketing. Along with the development of online networks, it is difficult to find an advertising approach that can attract the attention of audiences. Over the past few years, companies and organizations have discovered communication through Influencer Marketing as the most potent and profitable strategy.

The statistics also show that the previous communication tools have also become less effective than the Influencer Marketing Gotpay offers:

• 20% of computers and mobile devices use ad blocking software
• 70% of internet users search for social networking products and services
• 10% of consumers rely on the opinion of the influencer to make a purchase decision for themselves

Gotpay vision

Gotpay. goal is to establish a healthy ecosystem in which celebrities can easily access donations to create high quality content, advertisers have access to a variety of relevant information. and more effectively to attract consumers and consumers will have access to the high quality content they desire.

Agent Dashbord
In Agent account, you can manage your company profile and manage and 
upload products that you will sell and we provide you with local promotion 
tools and international promotion tools, it makes it easy for you to get the 
right and targeted buyers.

Payment Using Legal Currency And Cryptocurrency

Here you can make payments and deposit using legal currency and all digital currencies such as Bitcoin Ethereum Bitcoin Cash Ripple and Stellar which will later be converted to (GOTPAY)


Gotpay Token

Gotpay’s core functionality will be maintained by a gadget tag called Gotpay Token. Every activity platform will require a Gotpay Token to ensure that transactions, campaigns or contract creation and data take effect. 

• Become a payment method
• Make transactions easy and secure
• Facilitate settlement of disputes between parties
• Transaction security between buyer and seller
• deposit security and withdraw your assets.

Q3 2018 ; Team development and GOTPAY project planning.
Q4 2018 ; GOTPAY project development and start ICO and Airdrop & Bounty.
Q4 2018 ; ICO and Airdrop & Bounty are over and List First Exchange.
Q2 2019 ; The Launch of the GOTPAY trial for local.
Q4 2019 ; The final launch of GOTPAY, and is ready to compete in the world market. 

Partners Gotpay


Website : http://gotpay.net
Whitepaper : https://www.gotpay.net/whitepaper.pdf
ANN : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5067150
Telegram : http://t.me/GotpayOfficial
Github : https://github.com/GOTPAY 


Bitcointalk username; Marcel32x
Bitcointalk URL; https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1107298 


Senin, 03 Desember 2018



In the advanced web space, increasingly consideration is paid to digital money ventures and the speculation market and Blockchain is turning into the foundation of current development and can possibly alter the world. Perceiving this potential, we at Hetachain have collected an expert group of sprouting business visionaries and prepared speculators to make a sweeping blockchain exchanging stage. Since digital money is intended for standard selection, our stage will be a stop-look for customers that expect to procure immense degrees of profitability. We will make an easy to use framework that joins both customary markets and the blockchain based resources. 

Hetachain is a multichannel chain that has both the capacity of the public and private chains for an efficient business and management system transaction that is built for industry-level computational requirements that enable efficient processing. commercial applications and economic events.

Hetachain also through self-made contracts on its platform offers a new business prospect, allowing businesses to expand to a higher level but unimaginable by providing data. Proven and verifiable to grow and grow your business. It also enables the efficient exchange of economic value through the encoding of commodities and business assets.

Privacy and trust are one of the values ​​of the HETACHAIN ​​block which is indispensable to the real character. By providing both a private and public chain, HETACHAIN ​​takes the position of protecting the privacy of individual transactions while proving publicly on public records of the public chain, facilitating for both business and social interaction.

The advantages of Network Hetachain Blockchain 3.0
Flexible – do the freezing and repairs the application with role based permission suak Generalized.

Usable – Blockchain 3.0 Platform that has a very high performance and scalable ecosystem that makes and uses the blockchain network more valuable and useful.

Scalable – supports thousands of Dapps (Decentralized Applications) and skal commercial inter-blockchain of communication separated the authentication and execution.

Optimizable-Blockchain 3.0 Platform that has a very high performance and scalable ecosystem that makes and uses the blockchain network more valuable and useful.

About Hetacoin – HETA

Hetacoin about currency Hetachain internal crypto that in use in the network Mainchain. Hetacoin in use as a means to pay for the use of the services using Heta Blockchain.

When a user makes a transaction exchange coins or tokens that are already made by Heta, then he should pay the pre-define a mount Hetacoib. Called also with transaction costs. This mandatory fee making Hetacoin have real value to the system. It can also prevent traders to flood the network with micro-transactions that are not limited.

When a user participates in a process of consensus or validation of Mainchain and Private Chain, then he should be rewarded with a certain Hetacoin. It is also called with the granting of awards to users. Konsensu Award for level should depend on how much effort in spend by participants in the process. 

Attributes of HETACHAIN ​​NETWORK 


• Dapp Store with the Pre-built application, users can choose and run their 
   DApp on the HETA Blockchain.
• Digital Asset Storage. HETACHAIN ​​can save large digital assets to ensure they 

   cannot be stolen or hacked.
• Consensus. HETACHAIN ​​uses hybrids from DPoS + BFT consensus to 

   maximize the performance of its Blockchain Network.
• Automatically Generate Contracts. With this, less code is involved, thus 

   helping developers easily generate their own contracts at HETA.
• Use of user friendly fees. The possibility of a small application running for free 

   on the network. 

HETACHAIN was launched with the aim to create for users, developers and business to overcome the obstacles in the use, features, along with a Blockchain high speed platform. HetaChain with Blockchain technology platform 3.0 has confirmed the difference, compared to the old Blockchain platform, with a diverse ecosystem, in which, there are many improvements of performance such as processor speed, confirm transaction time, faster, especially the very easy to use and user friendly. Hetachain with the improvements of the platform Blockchain 3.0 will definitely be widely applied in the future. With HETACHAIN, we look forward to Blockchain technology high performance at the best and most effective practical applications. 

The users of HetaChain will have to pay certain amount of HETA while creating a transaction to exchange their tokens or coins issued by HetaChain. This usage fee can also be known as Transaction fee which is mandatory to know the real value of the HETA for this system. It also restrains the users to make unlimited transactions of micro nature and flooding the network of this Blockchain platform. The user should be awarded with a particular amount of coins of HetaChain, as an Endorsing Award, when he participates in a validation process of Main chain or consensus process of private chain. The rate of evaluating this reward should be based on the amount of efforts made by the user for using this process.

 For more detailed informations, visit: 

Website; https://heta.org
Whitepaper; https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HDz5WmDRyVbVGYzgxgyhbDDgpcer-4bu_AvcbvleP5o/edit

Medium; https://medium.com/@hetachain_blog
Twitter; https://twitter.com/Heta_org
Facebook; https://www.facebook.com/hetachainofficial
Telegram; https://t.me/Hetachain_Community 


Bitcointalk username; Marcel32x
Bitcointalk URL; https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1107298 

Selasa, 27 November 2018


Have you at any point purchased something from an online store and afterward trust that days for your things will arrive however then discovered that it was broken? Who's to blame at this? The vender revealed to you that s/he did everything to ensure it secured well however the conveyance benefit likewise disclosed to you that they acknowledge simply like what the sender give them. Who would you be able to request obligation on that? All the more vitally, how might we demonstrate that?

It is unquestionably difficult to do as such. The current inventory network framework in existing conditions, paying little respect to what sort of things got conveyed, is separated, divided and lacking straightforwardness that makes it relatively difficult to track and perceive how's your item condition progressively. Fortunately, Temco may assist everyone with creating a (way) better production network stage that can profit each partner in the business. How does that occurs and why this undertaking is fascinating? 

A production network is vital in business. Particularly in the present period, where the web can interface nearly everything and changes the manner in which we live and what we need. Include that with blockchain and cryptographic forms of money, and you can see an interest for a straightforward, quick and dependable stage for nearly everything. When we discussed inventory network the board and practice, tragically, it is still a long way from those standards esteems that we hold. The inventory network in pretty much every business is exceptionally a long way from straightforwardness and unwavering quality.

Temco gave us a knowledge into the current real issue in the production network stage on their whitepaper. At 2017, there is a noteworthy issue of nourishment defilement that occurred while it was being conveyed to the client. The sustenance that was sent by the conveyance benefit was tainted sooner or later in the conveyance procedure, yet its absolutely impossible government, the sender or different gatherings who needed to discover the motivation to discover so, all things considered and why such sullying occurs in any case. This case, thusly, makes the client feel exceptionally uneasy. How might they trust the sender or conveyance benefit after this occurs?

It isn't done yet. The issue in the store network industry turn out to be much more terrible on the grounds that there is no chance to get for the client to follow their things autonomously with any points of interest that they needed. More often than not, conveyance administrations or production network the board just give a refresh of where your thing is at a specific time, without extra data, for example, the condition. Along these lines, it is relatively difficult to know so, all things considered the things got defiled or broken and it is elusive out who's extremely in charge of those shortcomings. What's more, along these lines, it is hard to keep such thing from happening once more. There may be an answer, yet is it compelling? Perhaps indeed, perhaps no.

A few suppliers have endeavored to manufacture a store network the board framework for their items, yet it is worked for that sole reason as it were. There are no alternatives for different organizations to utilize that, or they need to put in some cash to purchase the rights to apply the arrangement in their own condition which is really expensive particularly for SMEs. Yet at the same time, there is no single, associated and simple to utilize stage that is sufficiently straightforward and can be utilized by everyone on the business. Besides, there is still no standard and the mechanical leap forward is still low in that field. Pretty much, they'll make a similar inventory network condition where it is hard for a client to follow their things, hard to discover where it turns out badly, and depend excessively on printed material that doesn't give the required straightforwardness.

In the midst of the issues in the current store network the board, Temco means to change it and give the stage that can be utilized by everyone. Notwithstanding whether you're a client or conveyance supplier, regardless of whether you're maintaining your very own business, you can utilize Temco. Btw, on the off chance that you think Temco is expanding on Ethereum blockchain simply like any unremarkable new crypto venture out there, at that point you're off-base. Indeed, Temco utilized RSK Bitcoin shrewd contract which implies they're utilizing the Bitcoin blockchain. Truly fascinating, would it say it isn't?

So how do Temco functions? You can peruse the points of interest on the white paper, so I'll simply give you a short survey on how this stage functions. Fundamentally, Temco will give us something like two things, first the blockchain and its savvy contracts, and the other is the framework to empower ongoing following of an item. Information of those following will be sent to the blockchain and in this manner you can see it utilizing Temco applications.


Each bundle or things that are sent will be outfitted with some sort of GPS beacon and QR code. The conveyance laborer will refresh the status of this bundle by basically examining the QR code and send the points of interest to the cloud/blockchain. In this way, it is a lot less complex and snappier than utilizing the standard printed material. I genuinely think this is a very extraordinary achievement that can diminish the expense of conveyance administrations. You don't need to purchase paper, or ink the same number of like previously, what you require are just a PC and a cell phone.

In another word, Temco will give the stage while different business, and clients, including you, will have the capacity to utilize it when it is prepared. This brings a ton of advantages for the supplier and clients as well. For instance, any little and medium business who's going to begin their business or as yet endeavoring to maintain their business can utilize their money to finance different improvements, as opposed to building the inventory network stage. It could spare a ton of time and cash, while in the meantime assist them with focusing on building up their item.

Then again, a client will appreciate full straightforwardness and they can generally check the conveyance procedure progressively, in this manner there won't be any trust issues. On the off chance that there is an issue on the conveyance, it is generally simple to pinpoint at which process the conveyance turns out badly, consequently there will be an unmistakable premise on making a decision about who's to blame. Thus, making and proposing an answer for the issues will be a lot faster and successful in light of the fact that the issue is accurately recognized.

Beside those advantages above, neighborhood makers who don't have their own distribution center will likewise get profits by Temco. They can store their items in a distribution center which bolster Temco so they can appreciate a cutting edge stockroom the executives with a better than average framework and applications to screen their item condition progressively. Obviously, they can deal with the item all alone and utilize Temco stage when they send it to the clients.

here are a considerable measure of different advantages and points of interest on how Temco deals with the whitepaper, I profoundly prescribed you folks to peruse it in light of the fact that the portrayal is very incredible and truly justifiable. From my perspective, regardless of whether there is another undertaking that means to do this, yet their answer isn't exactly complete and still need MVP, all things considered, while Temco thought has been connected in Nenia exhibit (read on WP!). It's cool, and exceptionally fascinating when you can see the area of your things as well as their temperature, condition, etc. And keeping in mind that the majority of the advantages I sketched out above are originating from a client perspective, Temco brings numerous advantages for another partner which you can find in points of interest on the white paper. In this way, keep in mind to peruse it!

Temco Website: https://www.temco.io/
Temco Whitepaper: https://www.temco.io/templates/temco_whitepaper_en.pdf 


Bitcointalk URL; https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2370427
Adress ETH; 0x959fAb81ab8C808ED27B1c38f1e353fB67FF9B3E

Rabu, 21 November 2018


At present, new crypto money project have emerged with different vision and mission, but with the same main goal of making a decentralized payment system. In the activities of making new project, on average, they have special characteristic, namely holding an ICO or Initial Coin Offering program. The ICO program aims to offer a sale at a special price or with a price that is cheaper than after listing on the market.


This time we will discuss an ICO from a project that is engaged in the field of Travel. This TravelNote project has been operating since 2015 and has a head office in Bali, Indonesia.


TravelNote is a business associated with travelling and has been operating since year 2015. It offers a variety of services, which include purchasing airline tickets, making hotel reservations, creating itineraries for tour (or special packages) and providing information about specific destinations. It also provides car and motorbike renting services. TravelNote has experienced in serving major group tour, private tour, family and even corporations.

TravelNote to be the pioneer in travel with blockchain technology that serves any travel related needs to people in southeast asia.

TravelNote will to be the most trusted and innovative travel management company in the world.

At present, there are many new projects using platforms from the existing blockchain. One of the many blockchain platforms, the most common is the platform from Ethereum. Platform Ethereum itself is famous for its Smart Contract technology. The owner can guarantee every prospective owner, investor, and owner to be open and transparent to each other on the blockchain network Ethereum. Therefore, Travel Note is also interested in using the blockchain based platform Ethereum.

For the price rate problem is the information that is most frequently asked by investor in an ICO. TravelNote itself provides a price rate on the ICO program of 1 ETH = 1,333 TVNT, meaning that if we want to buy TravelNote token (TVNT) at a price of 1 ETH, we will get 1,333 TVNT TravelNote token.


The total supply is the number of harkenaken token. For this time the TravelNote project has a total of 5,000,000 TVNT online. However, the good news again accompanying this project, as many as 2,000,000 TravelNote token have been successfully burned impacting the current total offerings to only 3,000,000 TravelNote token.


The news is very good for TravelNote investors because of what? By providing a very limited amount that can be used for TravelNote. We must remember the principle of supply and demand, if there is a lot of interest and supply is only a little, then the price automatically rises.

TravelNote Official Website : https://www.travelnote.io
TravelNote ICOs Website : https://ico.travelnote.io
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/travelnote.io/
Telegram: https://t.me/TravelnoteICO
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TravelNote2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TravelNoteTVNT


Bitcointalk URL; https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1107298 
Telegram username; @Anisa838
ETH Adress; 0x959fAb81ab8C808ED27B1c38f1e353fB67FF9B3E

Rabu, 31 Oktober 2018


Mining is the composition of adding transaction records to a general cashbook Bitcoin or crypto from past transactions and fix mining is a daily metaphor for a single computer system that performs the calculations needed for mining. The big book of past transactions is called chain blocks like block chains. the blockchain serves to confirm transactions to the entire network as having happened. Bitcoin hubs use the blockchain to distinguish legitimate Bitcoin or crypto transactions from attempts to re-spend coins that have been spent elsewhere.

Mining is intentionally designed for intensive and difficult resources so the number of blocks found every day by miners remains stable. Individual blocks must contain proof of work to be considered valid. Evidently this work is verified by other Bitcoin or crypto hubs every time they receive a block, Bitcoin uses a function evidence of work hash. The main purpose of mining is to regulate transaction history in a way that is computationally impractical to be modified by one entity. By downloading and verifying the blockchain, bitcoin or crypto nodes can reach consensus about ordering events in bitcoin.

Securix is ​​a digital currency mining solution based in the Netherlands. It has products that are operational, environmentally conscious energy programs and SRXIO tokens supported by innovative assets, Securix offers enhanced value and different products than cloud mining operations, providing passive profit sharing monthly income to financial specialists from mining operations while protecting token holders from price volatility, https://securix.io


Having the ability to accommodate 24,000 mining units, the company can mine up to 24.5 Bitcoin per day. Securix buys green energy directly from solar and wind generators through decentralized energy trading stages, EAN-2-EAN. With this environmentally conscious initiative allows companies to avoid providers expensive third party services while developing sustainable mining operations.

Securix is ​​based on a token system that rewards token holders every month with payments. This type of token-based economy helps alleviate many common cloud mining issues. Users will not lose their investment if the market decline and mining are not profitable. Instead, Securix will assign a portion of their company profits as a company reserve to keep the lights while they wait for the market to recover. In addition, tokens will be secured using smart contracts so that they cannot be canceled until they run the program.

In an effort to increase investor ROI, Securix offers 45% revenue sharing to SRXIO.Investor holders who purchase company SRXIO tokens invest in real and real assets. The company will then reinvest or buy back tokens from the market, increase the value of tokens and Monthly yields thus increase the likelihood of trading SRXIO tokens higher than the initial price after being listed on the exchange. Securix also develops a special wallet called Mega Vault Wallet. Besides storing investor SRXIO tokens, it gives users the ability to reach status, get badges and win prizes. The founder of Securix is ​​an experienced professional with years of experience as a senior executive of Fintech Capital BV.

Token holders are exempt from all entrepreneurial risks, Securix carries this risk. Bitcoin and transparency are mined our business is run with honesty and transparency. Every month, we will publish add-ups to the volume of Bitcoin that we are interested in in our Mega Vault application. Our tokens and smart contracts based on ERC 20 Ethereum blockchain. Bitcoin cannot be distributed through an ethereum blockchain. We will convert our bitcoin to ethereum to automate 45% gross revenue share to our token holders.

Website; https://securix.io
Whitepaper : https://securix.io/wp/Securix_Whitepaper_onepager_GB.pdf
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/securixmarketing
Twitter : https://twitter.com/securixio
Telegram : https://t.me/securixio
Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/securix-io 


Profil bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1107298
ERC-20 : 0x959fAb81ab8C808ED27B1c38f1e353fB67FF9B3E

Jumat, 10 Agustus 2018

Arawtoken.io - Decentralized Payment for E-Commerce

The retail and E-trade world is developing alongside the improvement of innovation in the computerized time today. This year, E-trade deals are assessed to achieve 1/10 of the aggregate retail showcase deals. Numerous issues looked by web based business enterprises. A portion of these issues are merchants or items that are less trusted, long specialist procedures, and high exchange costs. Internet business is additionally lingering behind different ventures in digital money appropriation. Blockchain innovation can be an answer for take care of these issues. Blockchain innovation gives straightforwardness, trust and security for its clients. ARAW tokens consolidate blockchain innovation with the E-business industry. Numerous advantages and points of interest are picked up by applying blockchain innovation to the E-trade industry.

ARAW is a stage that gives end-to-end answers for E-Commerce Marketplace, Touch and Pay Cryptocurrency Card, Online Cryptocurrency Payments, and Integrated Gift Systems bolstered by the Ethereum Blockchain. ARAW makes a straightforward biological system that can be utilized by standard clients around the globe. ARAW innovation is deliberately worked for stages to help the 'Incorporated Gift System'. This will give simplicity of selection and augment purchaser reach. While the 'Incorporated Gift System' permits to institutionalize blessing tokens all through the business. The ARAW token will likewise enable standard clients to have partakes in the digital money world.

ARAW's principle center is to give simple access to digital currency proprietorship that accompanies the possibility to build an incentive without managing the basic multifaceted nature that makes cryptographic money ugly. ARAW gives Araw Touch and Pay Card office, which is a solitary card answer for all blessing programs that may hold any importance with purchasers. This enables clients to get ARAW tokens with their day by day buys and pay utilizing AREW tokens by collecting. Clients can without much of a stretch receive card utilization due to its similitude with existing innovation. The ARAW token stores inherent esteem and never terminates. This enables ARAW tokens to have pragmatic every day utilize that digital currency has attempted to meet as a token esteem that was already disengaged from relevant use as of not long ago.

The incentive in the ARAW token is gotten to by the Banking System Integration since it offers ARAW buy and deal coupons specifically between the client's ARAW wallet and their ledger. The liquidity of ARAW tokens will without a doubt draw in clients to join helpful ARAW sellers. ARAW will forcefully extend chances to offer prizes to purchasers, client procurement for sellers, and an extraordinary increment in crypto advertise interest.

Araw Pay will be an open gadget that acknowledges installments in ARAW tokens and can be utilized by any dealer online and also other installment door suppliers. ARAW gives boundless Araw installment arrangements in Araw portable and web wallet, open API stage, and Araw internet business advertise.

Each shop proprietor is allowed to execute a solitary deal or fabricate an undertaking level internet business stage utilizing the ARAW Platform. The adaptability offered by the Araw online business advertise gives clients the flexibility to pick what they need to do on the stage whether to purchase or offer or take part in faithfulness programs and get prizes.

Clients can make micropayments at coffeehouses, markets, and shop online regular utilizing Araw Touch and Pay cards. Araw Touch and Pay cards contain radio recurrence recognizable proof (RFID) to speak with card perusers to empower immaculate installments. With the arrival of Araw Card.

Clients will have the capacity to purchase ARAW tokens utilizing a connected financial balance. They will likewise have the capacity to trade ARAW tokens with fiat and send cash back to the connected record.

ARAW versatile wallets that keep on connecting to the Cryptocurrency Exchange keep up coordinate trade rates for ARAW tokens and other cryptographic money. The mix of Araw Mobile Wallet with Banking and Cryptocurrency Exchange will permit Araw Platform clients to have the capacity to Top-up Araw tokens with a solitary snap of a catch, send and get ARAW tokens, trade AREN tokens with other cryptographic forms of money, for example, ETH and BTC, and trade ARTA Tokens with fiat cash and get cashback.

The coordination of the Araw stage with cryptographic money trade will enable clients to trade ARAW tokens with other digital money.

Araw's E-commercial center uses shrewd contracts to make the way toward trading merchandise with ARAW tokens rapidly and securely. This outcomes in a protected escrow for two pounds.

For more information, visit the link below;

Website; https://arawtoken.io
Whitepaper; https://arawtoken.io/assets/araw_whitepaper.pdf?v1.7
Bitcointalk; https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3497194.0
Telegram; https://t.me/ArawTokenOfficial
Linkedin;  https://www.linkedin.com/company/arawtoken/

Kamis, 09 Agustus 2018

Anonymous Bitcoin (ANON)

Privacy protection

We live in a period where the protection of people is for all time disregarded, pages, communication applications, PC programs, informal communication stages. Everything is intended to be nosy, calculations separate each drop of data from clients which later will be utilized to be showcased to acquire very rich person benefits. There are no disciplines or backlashes for these practices which are morally and ethically erroneous (not to state messy). The treatment of this private data produces so much cash and power that even governments wind up hard of hearing when the subject is examined; It is now open learning that they too have been researching the world for quite a while and don't wish to confront a contention.

The present managing an account framework, the legislatures and the elements that live by gathering and offering private data shape a trident that has been working for quite a long time and as the innovation progresses it turns out to be all the more intense, this since it is currently simple to extricate all the data of individuals utilizing calculations without them notwithstanding taking note. Each time we look for something on Google, we visit on Whatsapp, Line or Facebook, we share our photographs on Instagram, a section and in some cases all the data turns out to be a piece of a database that sooner or later its proprietor will make utilization of it to profit or take progress in some other route, proof of this were the last two presidential races of the United States of America where Barack Obama and Donald Trump exploited the data in those databases for the advantage of them and their gathering. Despite their work as presidents, the technique they utilized as a part of their battle is obtrusive and ill bred of individual protection.


Excessively, digital forms of money were made with the motivation behind changing (in addition to other things) the present managing an account framework, the Bitcoin came to change the manner by which a wide range of exchanges identified with installments and cash are made, offering levels of security, speed and higher effectiveness creating lower commissions. The blockchain and its preferences came to supplant an out of date saving money and financial framework which is overseen by a little unified gathering which opposes change since it realizes that it will lose control over people as long as The appropriation of digital currencies escalates.

Throughout the years there are numerous proposition for cryptographic forms of money that have developed after the presence of Bitcoin, some straightforward and others not really. The shared factor of the majority of them is that they are beneficial for a few things and terrible for others. In the event that a digital currency offers security then it does not have the soundness and speed important to work at an ideal level, on the off chance that it rushes to finish the installment forms then its security is unremarkable, making disappointment and taking a chance with the capital of the clients. Indeed, even the individuals who claim to have the three characteristics offer lower execution at the individual level in every viewpoint, except when an adjust is made of the properties, clients pick them since they are the "minimum awful" option.

Anonymous Bitcoin has come to help with all the problems that occur in the cryptocurrency world

Anonymous Bitcoin (ANON) is a project of a decentralized payment platform originated from the fork between Bitcoin and Zclassic through which it get an extremely effective combination of the four key factors needed in transactions related to payments and to money in general, these are the stability of the payment system (blockchain), the speed to perform transactions, the transparency in those transactions and the security of the information that is handled.

ANON has and exceeds expectations in the four factors, as if this were not enough each transaction occurs keeping the identity of both parties in private, because they are protected by the security protocol zk-Snarks which was designed to keep secret the identities of those who carry out the transaction, even when said transaction is visible in the blockchain.

The virtues of ANON do not stay there. The main objective of the developers is that it is easily accessible to anyone who wants to use it to make their payments, therefore the currency will be minable through GPU / CPU following a hybrid scheme between POW and POS with masternodes which grants the users alternatives to own, acquire and use the cryptocurrency as well as gives stability to the network.

ANON is a payment platform. The goal is to pay fast, with security and keeping both members of the negotiation private. The group of developers is very clear about what they want to get from the beginning and that is why they focus every day on their effort to achieve it. Proof of this is that since negotiations with many of the larges.

For more information, visit the link below

Website   Whitepaper  Bitcointalk 

ANON Telegram: https://t.me/anonymousbitcoin

ANON Discord: https://discord.gg/2yTdK6s

ANON Twitter: https://twitter.com/ANON_WeAreANON

ANON Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU-BMMTH8z0ow0xHjWZHRUg

ANON Medium: https://medium.com/anonymous-bitcoin

ANON Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/AnonymousBitcoin


Jumat, 01 Juni 2018


Inefficiencies in e-commerce are staggering. Even though the industry itself is full of promise, the technology behind it is not. Namely, the way we identify ourselves online as well al transfer our data and money is outdated and thus ripe for improvement. Without it, we’restuck with never ending registrations, redundant verifications, delays, limited utility of cryptopayments, constant infringements of data protection legislation as well as the generallyworrisome state of cyber security
We believe that outdated technology is to blame for almost all of these problems. Accordingly,we think it’s about time to fix this by embracing a modern way of managing your onlineidentity and the shopping experience

Safein will allow users to store their identity, as well as crypto and fiat currencies in accounts opened on our platform. Safein will go into various business areas where combination of possessing all of the above gives benefit to its users online and offline. The main priority of Safein is to eliminate redundant registrations and KYC procedures.
Safein is planning to be a fully licenced EU electronic money institution with the ability toreceive and process payments in full compliance with the law. Users will be able to hold their crypto and fiat currency in a single wallet as well as convert them from one to another. Major crypto currencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum ERC20 tokens, and other popular cryptocurrencies will be supported. Currency exchange functionality, for crypto and fiat, will be standard for all currencies with 0.5% markup from the best available rate in the market. Having an EU electronic money institution (EMI) licence will allow Safein to connect to the SEPA network and give IBAN codes to all of our users. Having that available, Safein will be one step closer to becoming a standard instrument for daily use. Additionally, Safein plans to have payment cards linked to users’ accounts, so users will be able to use thein Safein accounts daily both online and offline
Standard Safein e-commerce commission for merchants will be 1%. Merchants who possess Safein tokens will be able to receive part of their payments free of any commission, and users who pay with Safein tokens will receive 0.25% cashback on every purchase. Moren these Safein token benefits can be found in the “Token model” Section.
Safein provides a unique solution for both users and merchants. Users will be able to login into websites directly with no registrations. The Safein account will at the same time provide merchants with the information necessary for client acceptance and service provision.

Multi factor authentication mechanisme and Digital Management  
Security must be a primary focus while managing your identity and wallet online. Safein will have a multi-factor authentication mechanism implemented from the very beginning. While integrating Safein, each merchant will be able to choose a minimum security level that he requires from its users. For example, merchants can ask that all logins to the merchant’s website and all payments must be confirmed by user on his mobile device - i.e. (i) a push notification shows up, (ii) user must identify himself via pin code or fingerprint on his mobile Safein app and (iii) approve login or purchase. User (in his panel) can also enhance general security levels for each website individually. For example, even if a specific website does not require mobile device confirmation for website login, a user can always enhance his security level by enabling that requirement himself.
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With Safein, users will not only be able to fully control their logins and actions, but track and manage them as well. Users will be able to see their full activity history, including logins and payments, track their used devices, manage current active login sessions and cancel them at any time. Users will also be able to easily check
which website has access to certain data. Most of the functionality related to identity management is already available in the MVP.
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Kyc prosedure
Safein team is currently in talks with the world’s leading automated ID verification service provider to provide exceptionally accurate results using its AI powered document checking algorithm. Such checks, where users will only need to scan their IDs with their cameras and take selfies, will be sufficient for most uses. Some advanced verifications, where users need to comply with very specific regulations (for example, some cryptocurrency exchanges), will be done manually by the Safein team. It could take up to few minutes, but compared to current waiting periods of weeks for some exchanges, it is still a radical improvement, especially keeping in mind that users will only need to do it once.

Safein benefits
We believe that our services will be desirable by both merchants and users.
Any online website which requires any sort of user identification or payments could greatly benefit from our service
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Token Distribution
Merchants using Safein will be able to reduce their transaction fees by holding SFN tokens. Each SFN token held entitles a a merchant to process a specific amount of payments permonth with no commission fees. The initial multiplier, right after payments launch, will be 10, i.e. each SFN token will let merchant receive 10 SFN tokens worth of payments with no commission that month. The multiplier will gradually decrease within 5 years starting from the date when the payments are launched. This will lead to a very high token demand from the very beginning, and merchants who buy tokens during the ICO will benefit the most as they will be able to buy them for the lowest starting price - 1 ETH = 9,000 SFN.


Should any part of the tokens allocated to ICO not be distributed during the ICO, such tokens
will be returned to the company and added to its reserve for further development. In
case of failure to reach Soft cap, all contributions will be returned to their original owners.
The Safein ICO will be distributing 10% of the total token supply to cover the below costs:
  1. Further development of our product
  2. Crypto payments functionality
  3. Smart Contracts for Login Pool
  4. Safein payment solution with internal transaction processing system
  5. Acquiring EMI licence
  6. Onboarding at least 500 merchants
  7. ICO expenses and marketing
All of the above should be done by Q4 2018 (obtaining the EMI license may take a bit longer). After all of these goals are met, Safein will slowly distribute its tokens in the market to get the
funds needed to continue project development, mostly for B2B sales (i.e. onboarding new merchants
Bussines plan
The Safein team will use different strategies tailored for users and merchants. Our user base growth strategy initially relies on the Referral Program. This strategy was actively used by PayPal, Airbnb, Dropbox and other companies which managed to achieve viral growth. Initial user base will be achieved by signing-up users during our ICO and then launching our referral campaign. 5% of the generated Safein tokens will be allocated to the Referral
Program. With an initial critical mass of users registered during our ICO, our user base will grow exponentially. Starting active marketing campaigns in certain industries, as mentioned
in previous sections, will allow us to demonstrate user benefit of having one single login for most popular websites. Similar example can be seen in the gaming industry, where Steam login is already extremely popular when it comes to websites where users don’t need to show their true identity or pay for goods.
With all of the mentioned benefits and large user base, merchants from crypto and gaming sectors will be very easy to approach not only due to direct benefits but due to increased conversion rates as well; users won’t need to register or remember different passwords to purchase goods immediately
Vladas Jurkevicius - Business | Co-founder
Vladas has more than 5 years of experience in developing fast growing e-commerce companies where he was able to utilize his expertise in online projects by putting together and managing top talent teams and establishing key partnerships. After founding and exiting a few highly successful esports and online games related projects he is now building a unique identity and payments management solution.
Lukas Deksnys - Operations | Co-founder
Lukas has worked as an actuary for one of the largest UK insurers, Liverpool Victoria, and was a member of Institute and Faculty of Actuaries. His areas of expertise include finance, risk management and advanced statistical modelling. Now his interests have shifted to blockchain technologies and startups.
Audrius Slazinskas - Legal | Co-founder
Audrius is an attorney-at-law specializing in the fields of e-commerce, gaming, corporate, M&A, finance and data protection. Legal experience and industry knowledge allows Audrius to spot market inefficiencies caused by the changing environment and quickly address them with practical solutions.
Pierre Roberge - Cyber Security
Pierre is an 11-year veteran of the Communication Security Establishment Canada (CSEC), Pierre led advanced technical teams tasked with protecting Canada’s national interests in cyberspace. While the majority of Pierre’s projects remain classified, Pierre established a strong reputation among ‘5- Eyes’ nations as a leading expert and innovator in cyber intelligence operations.
Jonas Tirevicius - Senior IT Project Manager
Jonas has more then 10 years’s experience in software development business. He first started as an IT project manager in one of the Swedish capital bank.
Bogdan Kustan - Senior Development Team Lead
Bogdan has 10 years’ experience of software programming. He has contributed to many different projects of various scope and fields.
Ilya Teresin - Senior Ethereum Blockchain developer
  • 2 years of experience with Smart Contract development technological stack (Solidity, Node.js, Web3, Truffle)
  • Smart Contracts unit-testing
  • Experience with different Ethereum Nodes (Geth, Parity)
  • Golang knowledge
  • Experience with Ethereum libraries (P101, Whisper, Swarm)
  • P2P technological stack (node discovery)
  • More than 20 Smart Contracts with complicated logics for ICO prepared by me (smartmesh.io, narocoin.com, jibrel. network, status.im and others)
  • Experience with customising open-source solutions
  • A documentation-oriented person who is very careful with details
Dr. Vilius Benetis - Cyber Security
Dr. Vilius is a digital security professional with focus on securing digital environments.
Vilius Semenas - Business Development
Vilius is the Chief Commercial at CoinGate, one of the largest payment processors in the area of blockchain and cryptocurrencies.
Joseph Borg - Regulatory
Dr. Joseph F. Borg is an advocate, acting currently a Senior Advisor to WH Partners, practicing mainly on Gaming, Blockchain, Esports, Corporate, IT, Telecoms and Intellectual Property Law.
Marius Miskinis - Finance
Marius spent most of his career in fast-pace environments: in management consulting - delivering complex strategic, operational and change management projects for corporate and startup clients in CEE, EMEA, USA, etc.
Justas Brazauskas - UX/UI/Data
Justas is a Web Specialist with more than 5 years of experience in developing and managing of e-commerce projects and data analysis.
Website :  https://www.safein.com/
Whitepaper : https://www.safein.com/summary/safein_whitepaper.pdf
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/safeincom/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/safeincom
Telegram : https://t.me/safeincom

Bitcointalk username : monkeykiss21
Bitcointalk profile :  https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1156176