Kamis, 09 Agustus 2018

Anonymous Bitcoin (ANON)

Privacy protection

We live in a period where the protection of people is for all time disregarded, pages, communication applications, PC programs, informal communication stages. Everything is intended to be nosy, calculations separate each drop of data from clients which later will be utilized to be showcased to acquire very rich person benefits. There are no disciplines or backlashes for these practices which are morally and ethically erroneous (not to state messy). The treatment of this private data produces so much cash and power that even governments wind up hard of hearing when the subject is examined; It is now open learning that they too have been researching the world for quite a while and don't wish to confront a contention.

The present managing an account framework, the legislatures and the elements that live by gathering and offering private data shape a trident that has been working for quite a long time and as the innovation progresses it turns out to be all the more intense, this since it is currently simple to extricate all the data of individuals utilizing calculations without them notwithstanding taking note. Each time we look for something on Google, we visit on Whatsapp, Line or Facebook, we share our photographs on Instagram, a section and in some cases all the data turns out to be a piece of a database that sooner or later its proprietor will make utilization of it to profit or take progress in some other route, proof of this were the last two presidential races of the United States of America where Barack Obama and Donald Trump exploited the data in those databases for the advantage of them and their gathering. Despite their work as presidents, the technique they utilized as a part of their battle is obtrusive and ill bred of individual protection.


Excessively, digital forms of money were made with the motivation behind changing (in addition to other things) the present managing an account framework, the Bitcoin came to change the manner by which a wide range of exchanges identified with installments and cash are made, offering levels of security, speed and higher effectiveness creating lower commissions. The blockchain and its preferences came to supplant an out of date saving money and financial framework which is overseen by a little unified gathering which opposes change since it realizes that it will lose control over people as long as The appropriation of digital currencies escalates.

Throughout the years there are numerous proposition for cryptographic forms of money that have developed after the presence of Bitcoin, some straightforward and others not really. The shared factor of the majority of them is that they are beneficial for a few things and terrible for others. In the event that a digital currency offers security then it does not have the soundness and speed important to work at an ideal level, on the off chance that it rushes to finish the installment forms then its security is unremarkable, making disappointment and taking a chance with the capital of the clients. Indeed, even the individuals who claim to have the three characteristics offer lower execution at the individual level in every viewpoint, except when an adjust is made of the properties, clients pick them since they are the "minimum awful" option.

Anonymous Bitcoin has come to help with all the problems that occur in the cryptocurrency world

Anonymous Bitcoin (ANON) is a project of a decentralized payment platform originated from the fork between Bitcoin and Zclassic through which it get an extremely effective combination of the four key factors needed in transactions related to payments and to money in general, these are the stability of the payment system (blockchain), the speed to perform transactions, the transparency in those transactions and the security of the information that is handled.

ANON has and exceeds expectations in the four factors, as if this were not enough each transaction occurs keeping the identity of both parties in private, because they are protected by the security protocol zk-Snarks which was designed to keep secret the identities of those who carry out the transaction, even when said transaction is visible in the blockchain.

The virtues of ANON do not stay there. The main objective of the developers is that it is easily accessible to anyone who wants to use it to make their payments, therefore the currency will be minable through GPU / CPU following a hybrid scheme between POW and POS with masternodes which grants the users alternatives to own, acquire and use the cryptocurrency as well as gives stability to the network.

ANON is a payment platform. The goal is to pay fast, with security and keeping both members of the negotiation private. The group of developers is very clear about what they want to get from the beginning and that is why they focus every day on their effort to achieve it. Proof of this is that since negotiations with many of the larges.

For more information, visit the link below

Website   Whitepaper  Bitcointalk 

ANON Telegram: https://t.me/anonymousbitcoin

ANON Discord: https://discord.gg/2yTdK6s

ANON Twitter: https://twitter.com/ANON_WeAreANON

ANON Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU-BMMTH8z0ow0xHjWZHRUg

ANON Medium: https://medium.com/anonymous-bitcoin

ANON Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/AnonymousBitcoin


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